Old Dog, New Trick…

Or this might also be titled, “Why I’m a Fan of Instagram”.

A lot of “self help” books, articles and advice from some very accomplished and brilliant people echo similar tips and pointers for making forward progress.   One very common theme is if you want to be successful, hang around with successful people, think successful thoughts and visualize positive mental images to build a success mindset.  In other words surround yourself with success.  (more…)

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Happy 100th Birthday

What’s the key to having an extraordinary 100thbirthday?  Exercise!

Wait… Don’t stop reading and break out the sweats and sneakers, it’s a “mental” exercise.  Also don’t get sweaty palms over this, it’s not mind numbing, it’s not a test and you can probably put as little as 15 minutes into it; much more if your loving it.  It’s interesting and kind of fun and could help to evaluate and even recalibrate your life.  I’m even updating mine again.  So, get a pad and paper or your computer and please do refer back to it on occasion. (more…)

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A Belated Eulogy… or, the question of more time.


Time, probably the only thing we all get the same amount of each day.  Everyone, no matter your social status, wealth, job, religion, career path, ethnicity, gender, good guys, bad guys, you, me, everyone has the same amount of time.  It is one of the great equalizers of life, as is birth and death.  We’re all in the same boat with these three things. (more…)

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