Stir up Some Air is a sharing of ideas, examples and stories about moving in the direction of improving one’s life and circumstances, growing, expanding and working towards being your best self. We are always on the lookout for methods, tools and successes in the effort to live life on purpose. We hope to supply some added inspiration and motivation to help you shape more of your own path and future. There’s no downside to this exploration, working on improving yourself can only compound your positives. We encourage all to live a fulfilling, happy life of their own design, leave positive footsteps for others to follow and nave as much fun as possible along the way.
Stir Up Some Air is a personal catch phrase meaning to take action, start doing, get in motion, search, explore, go and do, set up your goals and chase them down, etc… It’s all about not sitting around and watching the world go by while you’re on the couch night after night watching TV, or preoccupied with making daily ruts deeper. We encourage you to Stir Up Some Air for bigger and better things to happen in your life. Your level of success depends on the degree of action and focus you give. So figuratively speaking your efforts can be a light breeze, a gusty wind or whipping up a Tornado like our logo encourages. It’s up to you how much time and effort you will give to revving up your life, but the object is to always keep moving forward in a positive direction.

Around the time I first started this blog, I decided to move to Sedona, AZ and then started traveling around in a F-250 pick up with a camper on the back and my Harley Fat Boy in tow. This was sparked by a 12,000 mile motorcycle trip and a trip to Asia I took the previous year. These moves have been positive life changes for me. I think “traveling well” is a lot like taking a masters course in life, it’s educational, refreshing, really opens you up to change and widens your perspectives on so many things. For me the more you explore and “fly by the seat of your pants”, the better. By traveling in this mode I can also personally confirm that most times the trip is better than the destination, although both can surely be great.
Part of my goal in publishing this blog is to give back. I think there is room to share what I’m learning and what others with similar mindsets have to share about getting and giving more in life. Perhaps there is some merit to the Butterfly Theory and as people work towards being their best selves, while lifting some folks up along the way, life in general gets better. Maybe your efforts or flap of the wing done at the right place and time will cause a tornado of larger positive effects down the line. Seems to me that improving yourself, being more deliberate with the direction of your life and helping some others along the way is worth a bit of time and focus.
So the question that begs attention is are you content staying in your current state of life, or is it a better bet to take some action and try to get more out of this life. In my view your chances of creating a more rewarding life, being happier, building a better legacy and being an example to friends and family are enhanced by taking positive action instead of sitting and waiting to see what life decides to hand you by chance. Hope you come along and Stir Up Some Air with us!
For more information on myself and this endeavor please go to the blog and read Blog Post #1… you can get there by clicking the link to the right.
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Don’t be adrift on the sea of life all alone. Come join us at Stir Up Some Air!