Blog Post #1

It’s time for me to rise and shine and get back to working on this blog.  I simply titled this Blog Post #1 because it is the first post after about a year and a half long pause and a reformat of this web site.  For first time visitors to the site it will be a good place to begin for a little extra background information. 

I originally started this blog when I took a 12,000 mile motorcycle trip a couple of summers ago.  A blog seemed like the best way to keep my family informed where I was and keep a running travel log of the trip.  I ended up getting a small group of readers who had some fun with it and when I got back I announced the blog was going dormant for a while.  I think it’s now a good time to resuscitate the blog and so we’re off and running again.

After that 12K motorcycle trip an interesting thing happened when I got home.  I had pushed my normal boundaries mentally through experiences and traveling alone on just two wheels for six weeks and also pushed them physically as some days being on that motorcycle was a real gut check.  Along with this trip I had also gone to Thailand and Hong Kong the summer before for a few weeks which was another great adventure.  That trip was with my eldest son, with a back pack and basically a plane ticket to get there and one to get home,  The rest of the trip was basically “fly by the seat of your pants” style once we arrived.  I have traveled a good amount over my life for business and recreationally with family and solo, but this was different.  While riding that last stretch of the motorcycle trip I reflected on how I pushed my comfort zone kind of hard these last two trips, now how am I going to go back to “normal” and be happy.  That seems to be some of the reality of successfully pushing your personal boundaries, you never quite go back to the way you were and sometimes significant changes need to happen.  Now with my sons grown, I was no longer married, not needing to generate a load of cash to keep everything above water and living in a nice little cape cod style house in a blue collar neighborhood I found myself feeling extremely restless.  I was really committed to doing something after this last trip to keep the feeling of being more alive, alive.  My battle cry at that point was not so much Stir Up Some Air, but “if not now, when”!  So in short order I sold the house, bought a pickup truck along with a slide in camper and a trailer for the Harley, moved to Sedona, AZ and started this campaign to work on bettering myself and traveling more.  Some friends and acquaintances have asked “are you out there trying to find yourself”?  No, not really.  After all these years and my past experiences I’m pretty sure I know who I am and I’m not out here looking for me.  It’s all about honing what I’ve already got, making improvements and seeing where I can give back for all the good that I’ve had in my own life. 

This go around I decided to put the blog back in action more as a vehicle to entice others, and maybe even you, to live life on purpose and get out there and do some more living, giving and growing.  I’m not suggesting that everybody sell out and hit the road, but there are many ways to live well every day and to travel well when you can.  By all means I’ll be the Guinea Pig to do some testing and experimenting and you can decide if anything posted might be helpful to move yourself forward.  If you already have a great life and are quite happy where you are, I salute you and wish you continued happiness.  Perhaps there’s still some room to make your life a little better, a little more interesting, or maybe even a little less comfortable with a dose of  healthy uncertainty from time to time, but that’s of course for you to determine.  All I know for sure is that the clock is ticking on all of us and it’s game on, so I heartily recommend that we all get busy making life a little more robust, purposeful and fun for ourselves and those around us. 

As some wise person once said, “In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take”. 

So maybe now is a good time to Stir Up some Air!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Great stuff Mr. K! Been waiting for another installment! Keep us updated.

  2. Glad to see you posting again. Nice recap and mission statement. Stay safe.

  3. Rock on, Bill. I’m so with you about the philosophy of “if not now, when ?”. Life flies by too quickly to keep putting off things we want to do.

    And I love your idea of leaving footsteps for others to follow. Looking forward to see where your travels take you.

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