Time, the great equalizer. Rich, poor, young, old, we all get 24 hours each day. So, how do you use your allotment?
Okay let’s start this with everyone’s favorite topic, math. Did I lose you already… just hang in there for a moment the math section will be short.
I recently saw a blurb that stated if you improve yourself just 1% a day for a year (1.01 to the 365th power) you would have improved 3,800% by the end of the end of one year. Okay, that’s really abstract and pretty much absurd. How about improving yourself 1% a week for a year (1.01 to the 52nd power) then you would theoretically be 67% improved by the end of the year. Since measuring compounding of general self improvement is not really possible, how about we just agree that if you do something every day to improve yourself you will be an improved person by the end of the year and beyond if you keep at it. I think that it’s fair to assume too, that big successes are usually not the result of some one-off extraordinary action, but mostly ordinary actions done consistently over a period of time. (more…)