The Game Plan
Like you, I am a participant in the game of life and always looking for ways to improve myself and to squeeze all the juice I can out of life. I am striving to become my best self, although I’m not sure there is an end game to that, and working on having a more purposeful self directed life. Hopefully this Stir Up Some Air blog can entice others to play along too. Together, maybe we can start a movement!
So to play along in this version of “This is your life” (and it is) here are the general rules. Oh and yes, you always have the option of changing the rules to suit yourself and as long as you are playing you win… what a great game this is. The object of the game is to Stir Up Some Air and play until the clock runs out or the whistle blows. I plan to play until my last day on the planet.
The general rules are simple and listed below. First create a personal philosophy to guide your actions, then work on some or all of the suggestions to Live Well and Travel Well. Good Luck!

Personal Philosophy

If you decide that the Stir Up Some Air movement isn’t for you, I still highly suggest that you at least create a personal philosophy for yourself. By doing so you will need to sit down for a bit, connect with yourself and come up with some guidelines for the way you care to live. If you read it everyday and start to live by it, you will be on the way to becoming a better you. You don’t need to hit a home run everyday, just make some progress and good things will happen.
My current version is below and it does change from time to time, and that’s okay. I read this every morning to start my day and it gives me a good direction to head towards. Please feel free to use it until you create your own, or get to work and decide what matters to you.
4. Remember to help others along the way.
5. Change and challenges are inevitable, face them, learn from them, stay flexible, but don’t allow change in attitude…. always stay positive.
Live Well
Travel Well
For many, “Living Well” can be defined as having a lot of things, being very comfortable, expensive foods, basically the mansion and yacht type thinking. However, for this blog “Living Well” is more about “you” and the process and actions of living well, with or without your “stuff”. The outline and concept for Live Well is described in the 8 points below. Working on any one of these, or a combination of a few or all of them can bring positive changes to your life. Your success or progress in making positive changes is all a matter of how much focus and attention you want to give to these aspects of your life. We of course hope you take tornado like action and Stir Up Some Air!
Travel, what great way to learn, grow, expand your comfort zone and views, get out of ruts, shrink your prejudices, feel enlivened and have some FUN! Any travel is good travel as far as I’m concerned, but I believe the type of travel that encompasses most of the descriptives in the first sentence, is done by making some loose general plans of where you want to go and what you want to see, then fly by the seat of your pants as much as you dare. Travel if done “well” is like taking an advanced or masters course in self development and can tremendously expand your outlook and perspective about people and life . We offer 8 points on how to Travel Well, and again, doing one, a few or all of these things when you travel should help you have great experiences and help you grow on your way to becoming your better self.
Live Well
1. Set your attitude to Positive
2. Create a personal philosophy and use it as your daily compass
3. Fashion and Focus on living a life of your own design
4. Push your personal boundaries and grow
5. Seek out good people and try to assimilate their best qualities
6. Travel Well and as often as you can
7. Give back and help others along your way
8. Leave positive footprints for others to follow
Travel Well
1. Include “new and different” into your travel planning
2. Take time to wander and explore
3. Travel slowly
4. Go where the locals go
5. “Sight see” with all your senses
6. Keep a journal
7. Stretch out of your comfort zone
8. Be present. The trip is often as good or better then the destination.
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Saddle Up and Come Along for the Ride and Stir Up Some Air!